Training Plans


We are your personal trainer, nutritionist and coach

We provide the knowledge and the tools that you need to improve your swim, cycle with more power and run faster

Tri plan prices

Basic 4 Weeks

$149 $99 / month
  • Tri Plan 4 weeks
  • Feedback monlty
  • Race advice
  • Sprint / Olympic / Half Ironman

Custom Tri Plan 4 WEEKS

$199 $149 / month
  • Custom Tri Plan 4 weeks
  • Feedback montly
  • Race advice
  • Race taper
  • E-mail / Whatsapp communicaiton
  • Sprint / Olympic / Half Ironman / Ironman

Custom Tri Plan 12 Weeks

$549 $425 / 3 months
  • Custom Tri Plan 4 weeks
  • Feedback weekly
  • Race advice
  • Race taper
  • Race nutrition
  • Training Plan Adjutments
  • E-mail / Whatsapp communicaiton
  • Sprint / Olympic / Half Ironman / Ironman


 We will follow the next steps:

1. You will receive a questionnaire by email, based on which we will determine the training plan 

2. You will get the training plan on email

3. We will give you feedback and we will check the trainings on Garmin Connect / Strava

4. You can ask us questions about your training plan via email / whatsapp ( except for BASIC )


get the energy you need for your trainings

Lose weight, gain weight or mantain a certain level with smart nutrition plans with a lot of choices

Nutrition plan prices

Nutrition BASIC

$50 $25 / month
  • 3 meals for no trainings
  • 1 extra meal idea
  • No preferences


$75 $39 / month
  • 3 meals for trainings
  • 2 extra meal idea
  • Options Vegetarian/Vegan
  • Recepie
  • Meals before race


$89 $49 / month
  • 3-5 meals for trainings
  • 3 extra meal idea
  • Options Vegetarian/Vegan/Keto
  • Recepie
  • Meals before race
  • Meals after race


They are almost the same steps as above

We will follow the next steps:

1. You will receive a questionnaire by email, based on which we will determine your nutrition plan

2. You will get the nutrition plan on email

3. We will check your progression on Garmin Connect

4. You can ask us questions about your nutrition plan via email / whatsapp ( except for BASIC ) 

What you need to know about a triathlon training plan?

Lately, many Romanians have begun to understand that in order to have a healthy lifestyle, more exercise is essential. Therefore, not infrequently when we walk in parks we notice people running or doing all kinds of physical exercises. You were probably like them in the beginning, but now you want something more, to raise the bar, so you are ready to go to the next level: triathlon. No, it’s not an exaggeration at all, because if you’re passionate about swimming, biking and running, triathlon is the best way to combine them all. It’s a big challenge, and there aren’t many who can handle it, but if you’re one of them, you can be really proud of yourself. We will also try to help you with some initial information, including what a triathlon training plan involves, or a kind of training program if you want, but you will certainly need to use the specialized guidance you need. gives them a good coach.

What is triathlon?

Even if, after the name it has, you know what we are talking about when we say triathlon, we want things to be clear from the beginning. Thus, we are dealing with a multisport race that includes three stages, namely running, swimming and cycling. It is very demanding, which is why, in order to cope, you need a very good state of health, a lot of will, ambition, dedication, to know how to set certain priorities and objectives that you can complete. Also, the support offered by a coach is essential, because he knows the secrets of this exhausting race and can help you with a triathlon training plan specially designed for you.
Later, after passing the “beginner” side, you will notice a detail: triathlon is addictive. A beautiful one, fortunately, and you will always want to evolve. And what could be more exciting than participating in an Ironman, an international race in which to measure your strengths compared to other competitors? Obviously, you will have to work harder, because it takes at least 10 hours a week of training, but also some financial resources to buy your equipment and pay the participation fee.

Distance options

For starters, you should know that there is no valid general triathlon training plan, at least for those who are just now taking their first steps in this race. Thus, there are several options for distances. In the case of beginners, it is naturally recommended to start with the shortest, super sprint and sprint, while for the advanced ones the Olympic Distance is preferable.

Don’t let anything get in your way

If you have already started training, try not to let the obstacles cause you to give up. Work more on the discipline that seems out of reach, and don’t just limit yourself to classic training. Discuss with your trainer what you need to do to strengthen your muscular and skeletal system, so that you have a much higher resistance and greatly reduce the risk of suffering an injury.


Even if you already know how to swim, and you really enjoy doing it every time you have the opportunity, you should know that nothing you knew until now resembles the swimming test in a triathlon race. You will not swim in a pool, where it is quite simple, but in an open water: lake, river, sea or even ocean, and you will have to cross a distance between 750 and 3.86 km. It is very demanding, especially since you can’t control the water temperature, you don’t have strips or those bumpers where you can rest. You can’t control the weather conditions either, and everything will be much more difficult because you swim with a few dozen other people, if not hundreds, who will “beat” the water with their hands, making your race even harder. . It is best not to hurry, because you will get tired quickly and you will not be able to do anything after you get out of the water, you need to face two more difficult tests.

Bicycle racing

A real touchstone, because it is very exhausting: it takes a long time, both in terms of distance and time. The race starts right from the transit area, and in order not to waste precious time, you can leave your shoes with which you are going to pedal already attached to the pedals, and the goggles to the helmet. There are little tricks that a good coach can share with you. Now you need to ask a lot of your limits, because you have to get to the finish line quickly, but don’t forget that you don’t have to ask a lot of your legs, because you need them for the last stage, running.



Although it cannot be boasted that it is the most technical test in the triathlon race, running is one in which you are tested for endurance and skill. You can run between 5 and 42 kilometers, which is not easy at all. A little tip for you: because no one has time to put on their socks to protect them while running, you need to find those shoes that allow you to run long distances, barefoot, without any discomfort for you. Keep a rhythm that you feel good with, because in triathlon it doesn’t matter so much where you finish the race, but the fact that you managed to complete it.
Never try to train for this kind of race without finding a good coach to resonate with, and who knows how to help you fulfill this dream. It is really very difficult, but when you manage to complete your first triathlon race you will ha

Train Smart Not hard