Olympic Triathlon Plan

Olympic triathlon training plan, for those who want something more

You are no longer a beginner in triathlon, the one who has become a way of life, a passion, a beautiful and healthy addict, or whatever you want to call it. You feel that you can do more, so maybe it’s time to move on and push your limits even further. You definitely need an Olympic triathlon training plan, designed by an experienced instructor. We will also try to offer you some guidance, but we will certainly not be able to replace your coach.


Types of triathlon

There are, as you well know, several types of triathlon: simple Olympic, fast distance Olympic, off-road, duathlon, half Ironman and, obviously, Ironman.


Triathlon events

Usually, any competition of this kind starts with a swimming test. If there are not so many competitors, then all those who participate enter the water at the same time and start. For the cases in which the participation is numerous, the athletes are distributed in several groups, and then the natural steps are followed. You need a special suit and the style of swimming is one in which the pressure is minimal on the feet, because it is important that they have a resistance to the next two tests, cycling and running.



Certainly, even if you knew beforehand how to start training for triathlon how to ride a bike and you even covered long distances, you noticed that there is no deadline for comparisons. Usually, here the competitors try as much as possible – and as much as the regulations allow, to stand one behind the other, in order to have a kind of shield against the wind.



Last test: running. She is also, in turn, quite demanding, but fortunately, at the end of it, you can be proud of yourself: you have achieved what few accomplish.

Olympic triathlon training plan

In order to be able to start training properly for the first Olympic triathlon, you can’t do it at random. But you already knew that, and you need to find an experienced instructor to help you, design an Olympic triathlon training plan and be with you permanently.


Training volume

It starts relatively easily, and with each passing week the effort must be increased. Usually, every week, 25% of the training time needs to be reserved for swimming, 50% for cycling and the remaining 25% for running. These percentages are not chosen at random, because this is also the ratio between the tests you will have to run on the day of the race. Obviously, it depends on the goal you propose, and it must be established from the beginning with your instructor, so that he knows how to make that Olympic triathlon training plan.


Sample approach techniques

Even if it doesn’t seem that hard, at least if you’ve swum before, you run every morning, and cycling isn’t an enigma to you, you need to know certain techniques that can help you complete the whole race. . Because yes, triathlon is not a race in which it matters so much who won, but the fact that you managed to complete it. It takes a lot of patience, will and discipline, and only then do you have the certainty of a better performance and a low risk of injury.


Training intensity

Because it is something new for the body, you need to know how to dose your effort depending on the body’s endurance, health and many other factors that only an experienced instructor knows how to use to your advantage. Even if you can find an Olympic triathlon training plan on the internet, if you don’t know the limits of your body, it may not be right for you, at least at first.


Training plan

In collaboration with the experienced coach you have chosen, you must develop an Olympic triathlon training plan that will allow you to train for your weaknesses, while maintaining your strengths. It usually takes a minimum of 12 weeks of Olympic triathlon training plan, and each week should include two swimming sessions, three bike rides and even four runs. It will start gradually, from a lesser effort, and until it reaches an upper limit, as the body learns to adapt better. Remember: it is important to know your body and to respect the moments of rest, and abuses of any kind should be limited.


Permanent in progress

With a well-designed Olympic triathlon training plan, you will be able to be successfully prepared for an official test, which consists of swimming, cycling and running tests, all in one place, as they say. It is important not to give up any time, to run long races that will help you maintain good endurance, to swim – and preferably not only in a covered pool, and cycling should be a little more exciting than a simple walk.

You will also find numerous Olympic triathlon training plans on the internet, but they may not suit you, so we do not dare to present you the one we consider the best. It is best to work closely with your coach to design the one that suits you best, and then get to work. You must constantly monitor your times, distances and other factors to see if you are in progress and where you need to insist to correct any weaknesses. It’s not easy, and you don’t have to expect that, once you’ve set out on this journey. The final reward is one that does not necessarily belong to a material side, but one that gives you the satisfaction that you have managed to exceed your limits, and even more than that.