drill exercises for swimming

drill exercises for swimming

     In order to be in the water as fast as possible, you must know the following criteria to move forward as efficiently with lower costs.

Here you have some tips

          1. Keep the “STREAMLINE” position as much as you can, this gives you the most efficient forward position in the aquatic environment, you become very hydrodynamic!
          2. Help your feet to have the best buoyancy
          3. Don’t rush into making movements
          4. Long and frequent breaks helps you to be able to assimilate what have you done (if you are in process of consolidation ) but this way you will recover better for the next repetition / exercise


 Now that you know some of my tips to be faster, you can practice the following technique exercises in your swimming training.


          1. Alternate freestyle Drill ( breath every 6 kickings on each arm)
          2. Alternate freestyle Drill 2 ( breath every 6 kickings twice on each arm, 2 times with left, 2 times with right hand)
          3. Freestyle Drill 1 hand ( breath every 6 kickings only with left hand then change, every 6 foot kick only with right hand
          4. Alternate Freestyle Drill ( breath every 6 kickings on each arm while you have to focus to finish the final movement, in order to that, you have to press harder on the water when you finish the movement)


half ironman triathlon training plans

     These are just the first 4 exercises, you can learn more from our personalized training plans