Half Ironman Training Plan

Whether or not you’re ready for a half Ironman

You are not a beginner in triathlon, so what we will tell you next is not foreign to you. You may have participated in some official races, but you have never tried a half Ironman. And, you know what they say, you never know what you’re capable of if you don’t try! Then, put your fears aside, you’ve already shown that you can do much more than you thought, so start a half IronMan training plan right now, or a training program, if you prefer this term.


Half Ironman Training

Under the name Ironman is in fact a franchise from the world of triathlon, under which are organized “full” races, where the total distance is 226 km, divided into 3.8 km of swimming, 180 km cycling and marathon, to 42.2 km of running. There are also “half” races, less demanding, where all distances are reduced by half. Even in our country, such races are organized, such as those in Dubai, Canada, United States and others. In order to be able to face them, it is necessary to increase the stakes a little more, to add an extra difficulty to the trainings so far and to ask for the guidance of an experienced coach for a half ironman training plan.


How do I use a half ironman training plan?

From the very beginning we tell you that it will not be so simple, but with a lot of will, discipline, patience and endurance, you will be able to complete a half ironman training plan to see your dream come true.
But let’s get started. You don’t need to forget about all the other activities and focus only on what a half ironman training plan entails. It is more important to train intelligently, and that is why I reminded you that you need the guidance of an experienced instructor who knows how to guide you to cope with the exhausting tests.
Constant training

Any well-developed half ironman training plan will take care not only of your physical endurance, but also of knowing how to dose your breath so that you don’t get any unpleasant surprises even while competing in the race. official.
For good results, it is recommended that the trainings take place almost every day, and do not try to cheat, in the sense that from Monday to Friday you “forget” about them, and at the end of the week you try to recover everything you lost. No, experts say, you need constant training, because you do not solve anything if you exaggerate. And you really need rest, more than you think.


Fatigue is good, not exhaustion

As you probably know, you will get some fatigue, which is normal. Be careful, however, not to go to the other extreme and reach exhaustion. To find out if it’s a simple fatigue, the day after you had training you should feel in power for a new round.


Rest, hydration and nutrition

Any half ironman training plan designed in a professional way must have emphasis on sufficient rest, proper hydration and a good nutrition plan. Although you probably still know what it’s about, it’s not such a bad idea to seek the advice of professionals in the field, because sometimes, out of too much enthusiasm and desire to succeed, you even risk ruining everything you’ve built so far. . Remember that before starting a half ironman training plan you need to go to the doctor to know if your health is one that will allow you to go through these sustained efforts.


How long does an Ironman half workout last?

It is impossible to be able to give a strict answer to this question, because there are many factors to consider, starting with your physical condition.
If so far they have only done a few shorter endurance races, ie you ran in races of about 10 km, or even a sprint triathlon, then a training for a half Ironman should last at least four months. If you start from resistance 0, at least 6 months is our suggestion, and you are among those who have done resistance training 5 times a week in the last two months, or even more, you will need three months to prepare like this. properly for a half Ironman. To determine how many weeks you need to complete an Ironman triathlon in half, consider your current physical condition and background.


How many hours a week do I have to train

A half ironman training plan for a beginner varies from 5 hours per week – at the beginning, and will eventually reach even 9 hours. In the case of those who are not unfamiliar with this training, an intermediate or advanced half ironman training plan is needed, and in the final stages it even reaches 15-20 hours per week.


Six days of training, one of rest

The training week must include work sessions for six consecutive days, followed by a rest period. It is much easier for the body to get used to the new conditions, and it will cope better with the challenges than if you went to training two or three times a week.
Even if it seems too big a challenge, you must know that it is not an impossible one. You need that determination, a lot of will, ambition, physical condition and especially, the desire to succeed. And then, after you have managed to complete several such races, you can even dare to go far, to aim for a “full” Ironman. And, who knows, maybe you are one of the few who succeed in this case too!